Before your Chemical Peel
No Alpha hydroxy products or retinoids such as Retin A or Renova, or any products containing acids for 7 days prior to your peel.
Avoid all electrolysis, waxing, depilatory, laser, or IPL treatments for 14 days prior to your peel.
No collagen, Restylane, or Botox for 7 days prior to your peel.
After your Chemical Peel
Avoid hot water on the treated areas for 24 to 48 hours after your peel.
Avoid excessive exercise for 24 to 48 hours.
Use a sunscreen with SPF 20-45 with zinc or titanium oxide daily.
You may experience varying degrees of peeling. Do not use an exfoliant for at least 7 days.
Do not pick at any areas of blistering or crusting.
You can expect redness that could last up to two days.
No Alpha hydroxy products or retinoids such as Retin A or Renova, or any products containing acids for 7 days after your peel.
Avoid all electrolysis, waxing, laser, or IPL treatments for 14 days after your peel.
Bethel Day Spa suggest 6 to 8 treatments every 2 to 4 weeks to achieve an optimal results. Customized home-care is highly recommended.
PCA SKIN® peels are performed by a licensed and experienced "PCA certified" esthetician. Professional consultation is recommended. Call 203-214-4892 to schedule a consultation.